The monthly web site traffic feature is sometimes known as information transfer or bandwidth as well, but all these names refer to the same thing - the amount of info can be transferred to and from a cloud hosting account. The traffic can be generated in two ways, the more obvious one being site visits. If someone loads your site, their browser requests and downloads the webpages from your web hosting server then shows them on their end. The more website visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is generated from your website hosting account. Due to the fact that this feature contains the overall site traffic, not only the site visits, you shouldn't forget that inward traffic is counted too. This means web site content and various other files that you upload to your account with a file manager or an FTP program are measured towards the account allowance. The transfer is typically checked on a monthly basis and the counter resets on the first day of each and every month whatever your actual registration date.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting

All of our cloud plans were designed with the notion to take care of the website traffic made by any type of website that can exist in such an account. When you have one or a couple of small-scale or medium-sized sites, you will not be limited by the monthly site traffic quota irrespective of what content you have - plain text or numerous images, for example. The stats in the hosting Control Panel provides you with in-depth data about the website traffic produced by every single web site as well as the total amount for the account in general. The stats are updated in real time and indicate both the daily and the monthly usage, therefore you'll be aware of how much info is transferred to and from the website hosting account at any time. Day one of every month your counter is reset, but you will still be able to view the website traffic statistics for the past months, that will give you an idea how your web sites perform.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

The VPS plans that we offer have a monthly traffic allowance proportionate to the resources they come with. The more hard disk storage space and computing power a server offers, the more probable it is that you'll host more web sites on it, so the website traffic you are able to raises with each package. If you need additional traffic at some point, you'll be able to update the plan via your billing Control Panel with no more than a couple of mouse-clicks and the additional system resources, along with the greater traffic allowance, will be added to your current account. You will also be to monitor what amount of information has been transferred to and from your virtual server any time. For your benefit, we will update you once you reach 90% of the quota to provide you with the required time to react and lower your traffic or update the package if required. Through your control panel, you can view the traffic statistics for every domain or subdomain in your VPS account.