Ubuntu - the Linux Distribution which began small and is already one of the most popular Operating Systems these days. Find out more about its benefits and drawbacks.
Ubuntu is among the most widespread Linux distributions for personal computers, however the OS also has a server release, that has been gaining in popularity lately. Ubuntu is very fast and supports a wide range of hardware components, so it can work on virtually any machine without using an excessive amount of resources. The OS is widely known as pretty reliable and secure, not to mention that due to its popularity, you will find many different sources online with info about any question or problem that you might have. The Long-Term Support (LTS) versions are supported for a minimum of 5 years, so you're able to get security patches without worrying about softwaretroubles in the long term. Since Ubuntu is free to use, you'll be able to customize both its core and the thousands of additional software packages that you can download and set up in any way you find fit, with no restrictions and without having to pay any license fees. This way, you will obtain a quick, secure and powerful website hosting service and pay just the cost of the server.
Ubuntu in VPS Servers
Ubuntu is available with all of our VPS plans and you can buy a VPS running it in less than sixty minutes. 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the OS are available, so you can select the one that you need when the software that you want to run on your web hosting server has specific system requirements regarding this. You may also select if your Ubuntu-powered VPS should be installed with no Control Panel, in which case you'll have full root access and you'll be able to set up anything using a console; or if the Hepsia Control Panel should be set up on it, in which case you'll have a web interface and all of the needed web server, MySQL, FTP, mail server, etc. software is pre-installed. The root access in the second case will be more limited, but this type of setup is more suitable for users with less experience. We will also maintain your Ubuntu up-to-date on a regular basis when you add our Managed Services upgrade. You will be able to do this during the VPS order process or at any later time using your billing Control Panel.