In case you establish a brand new site, it’s critical to find the best design for it. Through the Web Control Panel it can be done really quickly. We have for you an array of over 800 distinct site styles accessible for cost–free. They are found with each of our cloud hosting accounts and are also entirely easy to customize.

Almost all of our web templates are built just for our solutions and are not accessible elsewhere outside the Control Panel. Which means the possibility to discover someone else using the same theme just like you tend to be nominal.

800+ Cost Free Layout Templates

Fully customizable. Automatic Setting up

To save you time in selecting the correct look for your site, we have developed a assortment of more than 800 cost free layout templates within the Control Panel. The themes are created to address different subjects and desires – you can find web templates for both personal web sites including blogs or portfolios and also business websites or e–stores.

Each of our cost free layout templates are accessible together with both the App Installer and then’s Web Site Installer Instrument. Because of this you’re able to install the template you’re keen on on a different website in seconds.

Free Website Themes

Cost Free Web app Layout Templates

Find cost free layout templates for your upcoming web application

We have designed na range of tools (’s Web Site Installer Instrument,’s App Installer as well as our Cost Free Site Building Instrument), around for no cost within the Control Panel, that will help you add a fresh web app such as Joomla or Wordpress within seconds. Over the set up, it is possible to choose a custom theme which is to be put on your brand new site from the start.

We’ve got cost free layout templates for these web apps: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Cost Free Site Builder Layout Templates

100+ fully customizable cost free layout templates

With the Cost Free Site Building Instrument, you are able to develop your upcoming site without cost, without needing to spend money on website design. You’ve got at your disposal more than 100 distinctive website templates, offered in a variety of styles as well as palettes and which you can revise and personalize as you desire.

You don’t have to understand anything at all concerning HTML or CSS to be able to modify the visual appearance of one’s web templates. You have available the built–in manager to accomplish all the work. If you’ve utilized a text–editing application, you should have no issue using the services of the manager.

Free Site Builder Themes